Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Card of the Day 7

Goblin Festival

There are three things this card makes me want to talk about:

1) I absolutely hate it when there are cards that encourage people to use the effect numerous times in response to each other. You can activate this card four times in a row, and even if you lose control of it on the first flip, the other three activations still go off. It just seems silly, and it rubs me the wrong way. Specifically because the only way to play it correctly is to know that you can respond to activating it, and that is somewhat advanced rulings.

2) I think coin flip effects are in general really bad. I think there are better ways to have coin flip like effect but not have the coin; that's why I really really liked the clash ability from Lorwyn. It has an unsure outcome like the coin flips, but can be impacted and altered through playing correctly and knowing the cards in your deck. I think the game would be better if all coin flips were turned into clashes.

3) Tribal. This reads like it should be a Tribal Enchantment - Goblin. Remember when they did the creature update a long time ago and added each creature types to cards without them and reworked everything to make it fit all nice and neatly? I feel like that is what they should have done with Tribal. It was a way to make all older cards fit in a modern setting. However, cards like Goblin Assault completely destroyed what they should have done.

I feel like there needs to be a decision around Tribal very soon, because it's something that if they decide to come back to it... Well, there will be many years of cards without it and that will just look really confusing.

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